10 Things that you shouldn’t do when going out in St. Gallen

If you think of going partying today or some day in the future prisma magazine is happy to assist you. These hacks  could possibly lead to you ending up in your warm bed the next morning. Here are 10 things you shouldn’t do when going out in St. Gallen:

Use only one of the stairways up to the dancefloor at Trischli: Maybe you haven’t found it yet, but there is more than one stairway to heaven. Just maybe once you could try to be “reasonable” and avoid being squished into the wall or being flattened like a carpet . This could potentially even save your life in case you have an urgent deficit of alcohol in your blood.

Find Kugl too expensive: Kugl is one of the only places in St. Gallen that gives you more than drunk Assessment students awkwardly dancing to mumbling rappers. You get what you pay for: just embrace Kugl and the unforgettable nights it has to offer.

Be rude to the staff at Kränzlin: We get it, you’re drunk and hungry, but these people are the only ones that can save you in this awful situation. Be nice to them. Pro tip: if it’s not too busy you can engage in genuine conversation with them and might even get some mind-blowing life advice.

Buy alcohol at Pasha Bar: ATTENTION! In case you want to wake up next week on a Bahnhof in another part of Switzerland or maybe in a giant canton to the north called Germany, order alcoholic drinks at Pasha bar. This will guarantee you the most unforgettable trip of your life. Listen to us as we have been fighting the allure of alcohol for many years . P.S. It still wins!

Wear fancy outfits and make-up: Don’t overdo it. This is St. Gallen, not some hip cosmopolitan hot spot. Whom are you trying to impress? The villagers?

Starting to pay with Euros when drunk and out of cash at «Elephant». If money doesn’t matter to you, be our guest. However, if you are part of the other 20% of HSG students, who actually have to work to finance their studies (and partying), you’ll regret this in the morning.

Going to Downtown or Paparazzo: would be an amazing idea if you are into people whose age is at least twice of yours, and Arabian music is your mojo. Nevertheless, the sweet memories from visiting those places will still wake you up during the night reminding you of one of the mistakes you should never repeat.

Party close to the park next to Marktplatz: in case you don’t want to end up surrounded by a group of noble gentlemen who are certainly way higher than you could imagine.

Take shots with the PhD students who teach your tutorials: The worst scenario could also be ending up drinking with your lecturer in the same bar. Just make sure you are not presenting yourself in the worst possible manner. Not to mention, demonstrating your love-feelings to them in a very explicit way. Trust me, you will feel ashamed the next sober morning you have.

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