prisma: A HSG luxury

As digitization introduces new means of communication and studies show a negative correlation between technology and the human mind, prisma remains traditonal since 1959.

Paper is patient. It allows information to be communicated in a simple and direct way. Nonetheless, as today’s journalism is presented in various forms such as television or social media, papers are becoming less and less common as a source of information.

Studies show that digitization increases levels of laziness and decreases level of concentration. The consequence of this is that with humans’ decreasing mental health and capacity, a lot of individuals prefer to passively take in information rather than actively reflect and form own views and opinions. This inclines people towards using quick, easy and often free sources of journalism (e.g. Instagram) instead of buying a magazine or newspaper.

The danger of journalism: media and information
The presented information can easily be distorted and adjusted, transmitting facts and happenings in a way that makes us believe what themedia wants us to believe. It’s nothing new; the media has a high potential of influencing and shaping the thoughts of the viewers and readers.

The cycle is quite evident: The lazier we become (an effect of technology), the more we prefer to passively take in information (such as via social media) and the more the media gains control over our thoughts and views. Our brains get used to information being thrown at us, unable or even unwilling to pay enough attention to it.

Read, reflect, redefine
To critically evaluate a topic and reflect upon it requires broadening one’s knowledge and thinking independently. This implies adding one’s own opinion and complete the given information. Journalists simply act as a means of communication for a deeper and richer understanding of a topic. We have the task to form our own view on by doing the heavy lifting at home, to put it in Kolmar’s words.

Student journalism: prisma is a luxury
In a university with thousands of students, student journlism is important for bringing together diversity and devotion; prisma is nothing else than a result of an unfulfilled wish.
The first prisma magazine ever was published in 1959, after it declared its independence from the Zurich/St. Gallen student magazine. As HSG was forming a status of its own, the university’s relevant discussion topics were to be distin- guished and defined.

The goal of a student magazine such as prisma is not to list cooking recipes, but to confront student issues, spread student ideas, and create a closer relati- onship with the city of our studies. prisma therefore treats questions of culture, society, politics (in the broadest sense of the word) and similar areas.
For a HSG student buried in books about stock market prices and profitability calculations all day, prisma is a luxury.

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